Five Card Tarot Spread

Above Card

This card is placed above the center card, and represents your conscious hopes or aspirations for the situation. It can offer insight into what you are striving for or planning to achieve in the overall situation.

Cross Card

This card is placed perpendicular to the center card, and represents your conscious thoughts and attitudes about the situation. It can offer insight into your perspective and how you are approaching the issue.

Center Card

This is the first card drawn and represents the main focus or theme of the reading. It can give insight into the current situation or challenge you are facing.

Below Card

This card is placed below the center card, and represents your subconscious influences or fears about the situation. It can offer insight into any underlying emotions or fears that may be affecting the situation.

Future Card

This card is placed to the right of the center card, and represents the potential outcome or resolution of the situation. It can offer insight into what may happen if you continue on your current path, or what you can do to achieve the outcome.

How to interpret this reading

When interpreting a cross tarot spread, it is important to consider how the cards relate to one another. For example, the above card and cross card may provide context for the center card, while the center card may shed light on the future card. Similarly, the below card may provide insight into the challenges or opportunities that you may encounter in the future.

It is also important to consider the meanings of each individual card and how they relate to the question or situation at hand.