Celtic Cross Tarot Spread

The Significator

This card represents you and your current situation, and serves as the central focus of the reading. It can offer insight into your current state of mind and emotional state, as well as any current challenges or opportunities.

The Cross

This card is placed over the Significator and represents the current situation or challenge you are facing. It can provide insight into the root cause of an issue, as well as any obstacles or opportunities that may be present.

The Crown

This card represents your conscious thoughts and aspirations related to the situation. It can offer insight into your current mindset and goals, as well as any beliefs or attitudes that may be impacting the situation.

The Base

This card represents the unconscious influences and underlying foundation of the situation. It can offer insight into any subconscious patterns or beliefs, as well as any hidden factors that may need to be brought to light.

The Past

This card represents events or influences from the past that are still affecting the present. It can offer insight into any unresolved issues or patterns from the past that may be impacting the current situation.

The Future

This card represents the potential outcome or direction of the situation. It can offer insight into potential paths forward, as well as any potential obstacles or opportunities that may arise on the journey ahead.

The Self

This card represents your current attitudes, beliefs, and approach to the situation. It can offer insight into how you are currently approaching the situation, as well as any blind spots or biases that may be impacting your perspective.

The Environment

This card represents the external factors that are influencing the situation. It can offer insight into any external influences, such as people, events, or circumstances, that may be impacting your current situation.

Hopes and Fears

This card represents your hopes and fears related to the situation. It can offer insight into what you are hoping for or afraid of, as well as any potential obstacles or opportunities that may be present.


This card represents the final outcome or resolution of the situation. It can offer insight into the likely outcome of the situation based on current trends and potential paths forward.

How to interpret this reading

Interpreting a Celtic Cross reading can be a complex process that involves considering the individual meanings of each card as well as their relationships to each other within the spread.

The relationships between the cards can provide important context and nuance to the interpretation of each individual card. For example, a card in the past position may shed light on the meaning of a card in the future position, or a card in the environment position may help to contextualize the meaning of a card in the crown position. It’s important to consider the spread as a whole, rather than just focusing on individual cards in isolation.